org.acmsl.* |
org.acmsl.antmake.ConfigureInTemplate | ||
public static final java.lang.String |
"dnl Process this with autoconf to create configure\nAC_INIT()\n\nAM_MAINTAINER_MODE\nAC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM\n\nAM_INIT_AUTOMAKE({0}, {1})\n\nAC_PROG_INSTALL\nAC_PROG_LN_S\n\nAC_EXEEXT\nAC_OBJEXT\n\nAC_ARG_WITH(gcj,\n [ --with-gcj Compile {0} using GCJ (GNU Compiler for Java)])\n\nAC_PROG_CC\nAC_PROG_CXX\ndnl AC_PROG_INSTALL\n#AC_PROG_MAKE_SET\n\n# AM_PROG_GCJ is not good enough, we have to roll our own.\n# AC_CHECK_TOOL(GCJ, gcj)\nLT_AC_PROG_GCJ\ntest -z \"$GCJ\" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable gcj found in \\$PATH])\nif test \"x$\'{\'GCJFLAGS-unset\'}\'\" = xunset; then\n GCJFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\nfi\n\n# dnl AC_SUBST(GCJFLAGS)\n\ndnl We must have the absolute path to the build directory.\n\nTOP_BUILDDIR=`pwd`\n\nAC_PROG_LIBTOOL\n\ncase $\'{\'with_gcj\'}\' in\n yes)\n GCJ_COMPILED_SELECTED=ENABLE_GCJ_COMPILED\n GCJ_SELECTED=WITH_GCJ\n JAVA=$\'{\'JAVA-gij\'}\'\n JAVAC=$\'{\'JAVAC-\"gcj -C\"\'}\'\n\n # AM_PROG_GCJ is not good enough, we have to roll our own.\n # AC_CHECK_TOOL(GCJ, gcj)\n LT_AC_PROG_GCJ\n test -z \"$GCJ\" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable gcj found in \\$PATH])\n if test \"x$\'{\'GCJFLAGS-unset\'}\'\" = xunset; then\n GCJFLAGS=\"-g -O2\"\n fi\n AC_SUBST(GCJFLAGS)\n AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ\n\n _AM_DEPENDENCIES(GCJ)\n AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL_DEPS)\n ;;\n *)\n GCJ_COMPILED_SELECTED=DISABLE_GCJ_COMPILED\n GCJ_SELECTED=WITHOUT_GCJ\n JAVA=$\'{\'JAVA-java\'}\'\n JAVAC=$\'{\'JAVAC-javac\'}\'\n ;;\nesac\n\nAM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_GCJ, test \"$with_gcj\" = \"yes\")\n\npathsep=\'\':\'\'\nfilesep=\'\'/\'\'\nAC_SUBST(pathsep)\nAC_SUBST(filesep)\n\nAC_SUBST(JAVA)\nAC_SUBST(JAVAC)\n#These do not do anything, because Make-rules cannot contain autoconf\n#substitutions. Perhaps fix when new automake is out.\nAC_SUBST(GCJ_COMPILED_SELECTED)\nAC_SUBST(GCJ_SELECTED)\nAC_SUBST(extra_java)\nAC_SUBST(TOP_BUILDDIR)\nAC_SUBST(CC)\nAC_SUBST(CFLAGS)\nAC_SUBST(PACKAGE)\nAC_SUBST(VERSION)\nAC_SUBST(SHELL)\nMake_rules=\"$srcdir/Make-rules\"\nAC_SUBST_FILE(Make_rules)\n\nAC_OUTPUT(Makefile{2})\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"#\n# AntMake\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2004 Jose San Leandro Armend\ufffdriz\n# jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# chousz@yahoo.com\n#\n# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\n# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n#\n# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n# General Public License for more details.\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n#\n# Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license.\n# Contact info: jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# Postal Address: c/Playa de Lagoa, 1\n# Urb. Valdecaba\ufffdas\n# Boadilla del monte\n# 28660 Madrid\n# Spain\n ##############################################################################\n #\n # Filename: $RCSfile: $\n #\n # Author: AntMake\n #\n # Description: Defines the macros required to configure the make\n # process in order to successfully build the project\n # in any supported platform.\n #\n # Last modified by: $Author: $ at $Date: $\n #\n # File version: $Revision: $\n #\n # Project version: $Name: $\n #\n # $Id: $\n #\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
" {0}/Makefile" |
org.acmsl.antmake.MakefileAmTemplate | ||
public static final java.lang.String |
"## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in\n\ninclude $(top_srcdir)/Make-rules\n\n{2}\n{3}PACKAGE_FNAME = {0}-{1}\nGCJ_INPUTS = $(java_Java)\n\n# Force repl.class to be built before sub-dirs.\n# Specifically, lib needs repl to compile scm files.\nall{4}: Makefile java-classes.stamp $(@GCJ_COMPILED_SELECTED@)\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"#\n# AntMake\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2004 Jose San Leandro Armend\ufffdriz\n# jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# chousz@yahoo.com\n#\n# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\n# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n#\n# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n# General Public License for more details.\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n#\n# Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license.\n# Contact info: jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# Postal Address: c/Playa de Lagoa, 1\n# Urb. Valdecaba\ufffdas\n# Boadilla del monte\n# 28660 Madrid\n# Spain\n ##############################################################################\n #\n # Filename: $RCSfile: $\n #\n # Author: AntMake\n #\n # Description: Defines the rules required to successfully build\n # each Java package.\n #\n # Last modified by: $Author: $ at $Date: $\n #\n # File version: $Revision: $\n #\n # Project version: $Name: $\n #\n # $Id: $\n #\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
" \\\n {0}" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"java_sources ={0}\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"SUBDIRS = {0}\n" |
org.acmsl.antmake.MakeRulesTemplate | ||
public static final java.lang.String |
"$(top_srcdir)" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"# File suffixes\nSUFFIXES = .java .class\n\n# javadir variable\njavadir=$(datadir)/java/$(subdir)\n\n# JAVACFLAGS variable\nJAVACFLAGS = {0}\n\n{1}JAVAROOT = $(top_builddir)\nGCJ = gcj\nJAR = fastjar\nLIBTOOL = $(TO_TOPDIR)/libtool\n#GCJFLAGS = -gdwarf-2\nGCJFLAGS = -g -O\nOFILES_DIR = $(TO_TOPDIR)/bin\nTO_TOPDIR = $(top_builddir)\nENABLE_GCJ_COMPILED = $(EXTRA_GCJ_COMPILED) $(OFILES_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_FNAME).lo\njava_Java= $(java_BUILT) $(java_sources)\nGCJ_DEPS = $(java_Java) $(EXTRA_GCJ_DEPS)\nSOURCES = $(java_sources)\nDIST_SOURCES = $(SOURCES)\nCLEANFILES = $(java_BUILT) *.class *.stamp *.jar $(OFILES_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_FNAME).lo $(EXTRA_CLEAN)\nclean:\n\trm -f $(CLEANFILES)\n\nDISABLE_GCJ_COMPILED_{3}1 = $(JAVA) {2}.repl\nENABLE_GCJ_COMPILED_{3}1 = $(OFILES_DIR)/{2}(exeext)\n\n# Used when pre-processing a file using sed.\nDONT_EDIT_SUBS = -e \'\'1i\\\'\' -e \'\'// DO NOT EDIT! -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-\'\' \\\n -e \'\'1s|//.*-Java-.*|// This file is automatically generated from $@.in.|\'\'\n\n$(OFILES_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_FNAME).lo: $(GCJ_DEPS)\n\t$(LIBTOOL) --tag=GCJ --mode=compile $(GCJ) $(GCJFLAGS) \\\n\t -I$(JAVAROOT) -I$(srcdir)/$(JAVAROOT) -c \\\n\t $^ $(EXTRA_GCJ_INPUTS) -o $(OFILES_DIR)/$(PACKAGE_FNAME).lo\n\njava-classes.stamp: $(java_Java)\n\t$(CLASSPATH_ENV) $(JAVAC) -d $(JAVAROOT) $(JAVACFLAGS) $?\n\techo timestamp > java-classes.stamp\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"# Classpath\nCLASSPATH_ENV = CLASSPATH={0}$(JAVAROOT)@pathsep@$(srcdir)@filesep@$(JAVAROOT)@pathsep@$$CLASSPATH\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"@filesep@" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"#\n# AntMake\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2004 Jose San Leandro Armend\ufffdriz\n# jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# chousz@yahoo.com\n#\n# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\n# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n#\n# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n# General Public License for more details.\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n#\n# Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license.\n# Contact info: jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# Postal Address: c/Playa de Lagoa, 1\n# Urb. Valdecaba\ufffdas\n# Boadilla del monte\n# 28660 Madrid\n# Spain\n ##############################################################################\n #\n # Filename: $RCSfile: $\n #\n # Author: AntMake\n #\n # Description: Defines the rules for building the project.\n #\n # Last modified by: $Author: $ at $Date: $\n #\n # File version: $Revision: $\n #\n # Project version: $Name: $\n #\n # $Id: $\n #\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"@pathsep@" |
org.acmsl.antmake.TopMakefileAmTemplate | ||
public static final java.lang.String |
"## Process this with automake to create Makefile.in\n\nJAVATOP =\nSUBDIRS = {2}\njavadir=$(datadir)/java\n\nJAR = jar\n\n# Build a .zip archive from the compiled classes.\n\n{0}-@VERSION@-compiled.zip:\n\tzip -q -r -n .class $@ {2} -i \'\'*.class\'\'\n\nJAR_DEPS = {3}\n\n{0}-@VERSION@.jar: $(JAR_DEPS)\n\t$(JAR) cf {0}-@VERSION@.jar \\\n\t `find {2} -name \'\'*.class\'\' -print`\n\ndist-{0}-@VERSION@.jar:\n\tsrcdir=`(cd $(srcdir); /bin/pwd)` \\\n\t && rm -rf tmpdir \\\n\t && mkdir tmpdir \\\n\t && cd tmpdir \\\n\t && $$srcdir/configure \\\n\t && $(MAKE) \\\n\t && $(JAR) cf \\\n\t ../{0}-@VERSION@.jar \\\n\t `find . -name \'\'*.class\'\' -print` \\\n\t && cd .. && rm -rf tmpdir\n\n{0}-@VERSION@-src.zip: {0}-@VERSION@.tar.gz\n\tmkdir zip-temp\n\tcd zip-temp ;\\\n\t tar xzf ../{0}-@VERSION@.tar.gz; \\\n\t zip -q -r ../{0}-@VERSION@-src.zip {0}-@VERSION@\n\trm -rf zip-temp\n\n{0}-compiled.zip: {0}-@VERSION@-compiled.zip\n{0}.jar: {0}-@VERSION@.jar\n{0}-src.zip: {0}-@VERSION@-src.zip\n\n#EXTRA_DIST = debian/control debian/rules debian/changelog debian/dirs \\\n# config.guess config.sub install-sh ./mkinstalldirs make{0}.bat \\\n# libtool.m4 ltmain.sh \\\n# build.xml build.properties \\\n# jar-manifest Make-rules\n\nHTML_HOME = $$HOME/public_html\nJAVADOC_DIR = $$HOME/{1}/api\nJAVADOC_PACKAGES = \\\n {4}\nJAVADOC = javadoc\nJAVADOC_FLAGS = -J-Xms40m -J-Xmx40m\n\nMAINTAINERCLEANFILES = makejavadoc.bat\nMOSTLYCLEANFILES = tmp *.o {0}1$(exeext)\nCLEANFILES = *.jar\n\ninstall-javadoc-html:\n\trm -rf $(JAVADOC_DIR)/*\n\t-mkdir $(JAVADOC_DIR)\n\t$(JAVADOC) $(JAVADOC_FLAGS) -sourcepath .:$(top_srcdir) -d $(JAVADOC_DIR) $(JAVADOC_PACKAGES)\n\tcp $(srcdir)/COPYING $(JAVADOC_DIR)/COPYING\n\ninstall-html: install-javadoc-html\n\tcp $(srcdir)/NEWS $(HTML_HOME)/{1}/News.txt\n\tcd doc; make install-html HTML_HOME=\"$(HTML_HOME)\"\n\tcd gnu; make install-html HTML_HOME=\"$(HTML_HOME)\"\n\ninstall-data-am: install-jar\ninstall-jar:\n\t@$(NORMAL_INSTALL)\n\t$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(javadir)\n\t$(INSTALL_DATA) {0}-@VERSION@.jar \\\n\t $(DESTDIR)$(javadir)/{0}-@VERSION@.jar\n\tcd $(DESTDIR)$(javadir) && rm -f {0}.jar \\\n\t && $(LN_S) {0}-@VERSION@.jar {0}.jar\n\nuninstall-local: uninstall-jar\nuninstall-jar:\n\trm -f $(DESTDIR)$(javadir)/{0}-@VERSION@.jar \\\n\t $(DESTDIR)$(javadir)/{0}.jar\n\nall: {0}-@VERSION@.jar\n\ndistall: distcheck dist-{0}-@VERSION@.jar\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"#\n# AntMake\n#\n# Copyright (C) 2004 Jose San Leandro Armend\ufffdriz\n# jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# chousz@yahoo.com\n#\n# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public\n# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either\n# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n#\n# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\n# General Public License for more details.\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public\n# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n#\n# Thanks to ACM S.L. for distributing this library under the GPL license.\n# Contact info: jsanleandro@yahoo.es\n# Postal Address: c/Playa de Lagoa, 1\n# Urb. Valdecaba\ufffdas\n# Boadilla del monte\n# 28660 Madrid\n# Spain\n ##############################################################################\n #\n # Filename: $RCSfile: $\n #\n # Author: AntMake\n #\n # Description: Defines the rules required to successfully build\n # the project in any supported platform.\n #\n # Last modified by: $Author: $ at $Date: $\n #\n # File version: $Revision: $\n #\n # Project version: $Name: $\n #\n # $Id: $\n #\n\n" |
public static final java.lang.String |
"./{0}/java-classes.stamp " |
org.acmsl.antmake.cvslib.CvsUtils | ||
public static final int |
71 |